Our variety trial work focuses on understanding the influence of genetic and environmental factors on the performance of new crop varieties. We have extensive experience planning, executing and reporting trials for cereals, canola, soybeans, pulses, and specialty crops
Understanding how agricultural products perform under real-world conditions is crucial to ensuring their commercial success. We conduct efficacy testing for fungicides, fertilizers, seed treatments and plant growth regulators on a wide range of crops and target pests.
Using misting systems and controlled inoculation, we can create and maintain conditions of consistent disease stress. Target diseases include leaf rust, stem rust and fusarium in wheat; stem rust and fusarium in barley; crown rust, stem rust and fusarium in oats; and sclerotinia and blackleg in canola.
The properties and composition of agricultural commodities are becoming ever more important in the marketplace. We measure test weight, thousand kernel weight, germination, thins/plumps, and green seed content, as well as protein, fat, Falling Number, beta-glucan and mycotoxins by NIR or reference methods.
A firm foundation is essential to the success of an agronomic research program. We offer pre-season services including trial design, custom seed treatment, and seed packaging. Post-season, we provide field data review and quality control services, as well as single- and multi-site statistical analysis of trial results.
Typically, agronomic research projects require testing at multiple sites to generate reliable findings. Utilizing our network of trusted collaborators across Canada and the Northern US, we can deliver comprehensive research programs spanning multiple soil and environmental regions.